Music Set to Shakespeare's Text

Now Available for Licensing.

Sheet Music for the song "Come Away Death"

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Words by Shakespeare, music by Donna, sung by Clara Barton Green
Ladies, this sample page shows the vocal range of the song, just like it's recorded. Both the lowest note (Middle C) and the highest note (High G) are on this page. The song is in the key of G minor. But if you'd like the sheet music in a different key, email me at and request the key you'd like when you complete your purchase. I can transpose the sheet music based on a key request or by giving me the desired top note of your vocal range. Looking forward to sending you music!

Other Music set to Shakespeare's Text

Shakespeare Saturdays SINGS!

An original, playful, 45-minute revue featuring music set to Shakespeare's lyrics.

Another version of "Come Away Death"

Men, this sample page shows the vocal range of the song, just like it's recorded. Both the lowest note (Bb) and the highest note (F above Middle C) are on this page. The song is in the key of F minor. But if you'd like the sheet music in a different key, email me at and request the key you'd like when you complete your purchase. I can transpose the sheet music based on a key request or by giving me the desired top note of your vocal range. Looking forward to sending you music!