
Directed by James Alexander Bond

October 21, 2006

James Alexander Bond Director
Kathryn Barnhardt as VALERIA and ENSEMBLE
Gavin Hoffman as MENENIUS
Daralyn Jay in the ENSEMBLE
Linda Jones as VIRGILIA and ENSEMBLE
Kevin Josephson as SICINIUS
Jason Kendall as CORIOLANUS
Susan McCallum as VOLUMNIA
Juan Perez as AUFIDIUS
Michelle Robinson in the ENSEMBLE
Elizabeth Sanders as BRUTUS
Sheldon Shaw as LARTIUS and in the ENSEMBLE
Nikole Williams in the ENSEMBLE
Kevin C. Woods as COMINIUS

MoonBeam.Net productions, in conjunction with the New York Public Library presents Shakespeare Saturdays, A Free Reading Series Celebrating the Diversity of Upper Manhattan.

Executive Producer and Resident Composer: Donna Kendall Stearns

Artistic Director: Jason Kendall

Made possible by the generous support of
The New York Public Library

MoonBeam.Net Productions     |     The Inwood Astronomy Project